  • ・Public Private Joint Committee Meeting(Cambodia,Vietnam) has been updated.
  • ・Public Private Joint Committee Meeting(INDONESIA) has been updated.
  • ・Country Information(VIETNAM・INDONESIA・Lao PDR) has been updated.

Public Private Joint Committee Meeting

In order to effectively and efficiently implement this project, we held the Public Private Joint Committee Meeting and have verified effectiveness of the project.
The purpose of the committee is to grasp mid-long term tasks, such as the method of public relations, subject job trades and its levels and so on in the target countries.

Results of questionnaire in Vietnam regarding the demand of skilled workers

News Letter

In this project, it will be periodically transmitted the information related to SESPP. We hope you will find this get in the information acquisition and useful for your skill up.


Outline of This Project

In developing countries in Asia, the cultivation of the development of skilled worker is an issue.
This project is designed to contribute for the cultivation of human resources in these developing countries in Asia by widely disseminating and enlighten the know-how of the cultivation of skilled worker who supports a field site of manufacturing that Japan has developed.
Specifically, practically sharing the know-how to the developing countries' government and vocational training institutes and so on by implementing seminars and trials regarding skills evaluation and vocational training, we aim to promote the understandings of the mechanism of the cultivation of human resources of manufacturing that Japan is proud of, and transfer the Japanese style skills evaluation system to the developing countries in Asia.

Target Countries:
Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia(Thailand, Myanmar, India, Laos)
To secure skilled professionals easier and raise up their economic and social status. Also, can be contributed to our economic development by securing manpower seeking for local Japanese affiliated company as well.

Flow of SESPP

Results Examples


In response to the needs for skilled human resources by foreign-affiliated companies and so on, we have cultivated human resources capable to evaluate skills at various public vocational training institutions belonging to the Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, the People's Committee, etc.
Through this project:
-Assessors who grade in the practical test onsite of skills test have been cultivated.
-Test questions of practical and theoretical in Vietnamese that are used in skills test have been created.
-Japanese-style skills test is being carried out on Turning, Milling, Mechanical Inspection, Information Network Cabling, Sequence Control, etc. from 2012.
From 2018, Turning and Milling out of the above job trades have been officially introduced to national skills standards and national skills testing & certification has been commenced at the evaluation testing center certified by the Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs.


Although Indonesia has its own skills evaluation system, Japanese-style skills practical test has been implemented on only seven job trades in the field of metal and machining. For implementation and management of skills test, the skill test committee composed of the local automobile related industries and others cooperate fully.
Through this project:
-Assessors who grade in the practical test have been cultivated.
-Practical test questions in Indonesian have been created.
-It has totally become a part of local skills test.
With Die & Mold professional job trades (Mechanical Inspection, Finishing) in which a lot of assessors have already been cultivated, by independently carry out skills test themselves in the future, it is expected development of human resources at supply chain such as parts manufacturers. On the other hand, with regards to job trades directly produce results on factory mass production such as Metal Press Processing, it is hoped that dissemination of skills through Japanese-style skills test while continuing developing a lot of assessors.